Old School Woodworkin was started by Kevin Connolly of Dunstable, MA in the Spring of 2013. I retired last year after teaching for 36 years, 34 of which were in Bedford, MA. I want to continue working with wood and creating furniture for which I have always had a great passion.
My love for woodworking and furniture making began in my teens but was greatly increased and focused during my time at Fitchburg State College. I earned both my BS in Education and Masters in Industrial Education from Fitchburg. While there, I was greatly inspired by the work of my professor, Walter Harrod, who was also a Master Craftsman.
Over many years of teaching, I worked with thousands of young students helping them to find a love for many of the subjects I taught. As they learned, students discovered new strengths and identified potential careers opportunities through my classes. Being a part of this process was extremely gratifying and rewarding.
I have been building furniture for over 40 years and have sold many pieces throughout the years. I am also a licensed construction supervisor for the state of Massachusetts and have worked on light construction and home re-modeling and repair. Along the way, I spent many years working on a 41 foot custom sailboat. I designed and built custom teak woodwork on deck and mahogany furniture below deck.
I have on display a variety of wood items and furniture at my space at Western Avenue Studios. Additionally, I have many photographs of a large number of pieces of furniture and other woodwork which I have produced over the years. I welcome visitors to my studio to view what is on display as well as discussing possibilities of custom projects you may have in mind. Ideas can be discussed and sketches created for potential projects. I work with hardwoods as well as pine. Some of the hardwoods used are cherry, maple, red oak, ash, mahogany, black walnut. Others are available upon request.
For more information on Western Avenue Studios and the artists please go the website: www.westernavenuestudios.com.
My studio is # 222 Old School Woodworkin. And see many more photos of current work on Facebook @ Old School Woodworkin Thanks for viewing my site . Kevin Connolly